About Us

About Us

At KickIt Pajamas we know about the healing power of friendship and family. We know from personal experience the boost in psychological wellness when you feel dressed and beautiful. We know that you can be both sick and pretty, vulnerable but fierce, and scared but brave. We know because we’ve been there. You can do this. We’re here to help you KickIt.

What do you get when you mix a loyal friend and a cancer patient who is sick but wants to feel pretty and is aggravated every time she needs to change her top while hooked up to an IV line in the hospital? An idea, that’s what.

KickIt Pajamas is an idea born from co-founder Cindy Trice while she was undergoing chemotherapy treatments for cervical cancer. A dear friend gave her a cute pair of pajamas to wear while hospitalized. From the minute she put these pajamas on, Cindy felt put together and dressed as she pushed her IV pole in laps around the nurses’ station and welcomed visitors. In essence, she felt dignified and a little “normal” in a world where absolutely nothing felt normal.

The flimsy gown given to her by the hospital made her feel vulnerable, exposed, and well, like a patient, not someone ready for the battle of a lifetime. But the thick, soft fabric of the pajamas made her feel strong and armored to kick cancer’s a** even though she was sick and scared. There was one problem, however. The pajamas lacked the functionality that made medical care easy for the nursing staff and Cindy. From this frustration, Cindy decided to design a pair of pajamas with hospitalized patients in mind that are beautiful, comfortable, and thoughtful in every element of their design. Cindy was fortunate to kick her cancer and moved on with her career as a veterinarian but the seed for KickIt Pajamas was firmly planted.

Fast forward over a decade to where the bonds of friendship played a large role in bringing KickIt Pajamas to life. Elizabeth Searcy, Cindy’s lifelong friend and boundless and fearless supporter of the KickIt Pajama idea since its inception, made a serendipitous connection with an amazing pair of women. In addition to a knack for putting the right people together, Elizabeth brings decades of business and marketing experience to the team.

Parmelee Miller and Anna Shuford are college friends, turned sisters-in-law, turned business partners. (Are you seeing a theme here?) They were drawn to the idea behind KickIt Pajamas for reasons both business and personal. They not only bring an extensive background in online retail, design, and manufacturing, but they’ve both had experience with friends and close family members fighting cancer. As a caregiver during her mother’s 4-year battle with acute myelogenous leukemia, and her father’s 2-year battle with stage 4 pancreatic cancer, Anna intimately understands the importance that comfort and dignity have in helping patients feel brave and determined in the face of fear and vulnerability.

At KickIt Pajamas we know about the healing power of friendship and family. We know from personal experience the boost in psychological wellness when you feel dressed and beautiful. We know that you can be both sick and pretty, vulnerable but fierce, and scared but brave. We know because we’ve been there. You can do this. We’re here to help you KickIt.